Recent content by momwithquestion

  1. M

    HELP! Emancipation age in NY

    I'm pretty sure that the emancipation age in NYS is 16 not 18. You could go that route, or send her to military school. There are a few around. I know that a friend of my brothers goes to one by Conneticut, near Millerton somewhere.
  2. M

    Vacation w/3 yr old out of state

    I'm pretty sure that if your visitation is all written out that your childs father can't tell you that Sam isn't allowed to go.
  3. M

    ex husband signing all rights over to me

    I have custody of my 3 year old son. His father and I seperated just 3 months after he was born. He left NY for NM 4 months after that and has been an absent parent since then. We divorced a year after that. He owes me and my son over $14,000 in back child support. His mother contacted me...