Recent content by ktaurus98

  1. K

    Steps to collect on small claims judgement?

    Could someone break down the steps I need to take in order to collect on a small claims judgement? So far from poking around on here I have: 1. Send demand payment letter 2. Find assets 3. Apply for wage garnishment Also any advice as to how to go about finding where the person that owes...
  2. K

    Harassment Issues

    I'm not a lawyer or anything but have an idea for you. Like your lawyer said do not refrain from going outside. When the police show up introduce your daughter to them, let her get to know the police and that the police are on her side. when the police are called treat it like a social visit...
  3. K

    Easement laws I think

    We use banner shakers at our store, these are people that hold signs in front of the store to promote business. The town is saying that we have to be no closer to the road than the utility pole. This is in Avon Indiana just west of Indianapolis. Trying to find out state law concerning this and...