Recent content by JusticeSeeker0

  1. JusticeSeeker0

    Need advice on winning a replevin claim?

    I just found out recently that she took at least some of my possessions to her new place. A friend of mine saw her on OkCupid and let me know and I saw a vase and fake flower set from the old apartment in the background. While it is only one minor thing from the old apartment, at least I have...
  2. JusticeSeeker0

    Need advice on winning a replevin claim?

    Thank you "army judge" for all the information. Based on what you have stated, I'm thinking I am going to have to ask the local police department to conduct an investigation into the matter. I will have to have them talk to the neighbors to verify whether or not they ever saw any movers. I'm...
  3. JusticeSeeker0

    Need advice on winning a replevin claim?

    Thank you for all the information. As far as the domestic violence situation, no charges were filed and it was all dropped. That is a huge part of what helps my case. I even have documentation from the state attorney's office with a signed letter from a supervisor there stating my...
  4. JusticeSeeker0

    Need advice on winning a replevin claim?

    While I appreciate the feedback and understand what you're saying, here is what I don't get as far as that... Say I move into an apartment. Say when I move into the apartment, it is in great condition. A year later I move out and the apartment is trashed. When the staff attempt to inform me...
  5. JusticeSeeker0

    Need advice on winning a replevin claim?

    The local court awarded her the apartment in an injunction. It is a long story and outside the scope of issues directly related to the replevin. As far as her being granted the apartment, the court awarded her the apartment, but the complex's management fought to get me my apartment back...
  6. JusticeSeeker0

    Need advice on winning a replevin claim?

    In a nutshell, my ex-girlfriend acquired my old apartment through false claims to the courts, then on top of that, took all my possessions from the apartment when she left. I have receipts for most the possessions and the rest I have dozens of witnesses to verify that I had the possessions...