Recent content by JiggyPopPhantom

  1. JiggyPopPhantom

    Allegation of neglect

    Incidentally i found out i had this progressive debilitating physical defect while I was enlisted as an A1C at Fort Sam.
  2. JiggyPopPhantom

    Allegation of neglect

    As i stated before i had no intention of offending anyone with my questions. I have met with my friends trusted family attorney today and he gave me the information of protocol that DCF refused to give me. From what i read I'm not even on the radar and that this isn't going to escalate but if...
  3. JiggyPopPhantom

    Allegation of neglect

    Seriously? So i know this question maybe stupid but it's likely a stupid idea to smoke herb? Please take no offense i just want to know. This isn't fair to my bf, he doesn't even drink. I know now i shouldn't have cooperated with this madness because there is always an adult with my kid. Right...
  4. JiggyPopPhantom

    Allegation of neglect

    Here's the deal at my upmost honesty: Back in March my kid(6yrs with language disability) was at one of her academic intervention meetings. She had said that she's been left home alone(there is 5 adults including me who are always watching her) and the school reported this to DCF. I'm not upset...