Recent content by jamrhein

  1. J

    Premises Liability Are companys just free to hire felons?

    Obviously companies are free to hire felons, as if they weren't, then felons would have to go back to being felons. Eyaya's sex offender registry site record proves he was not a sex offender before this incident. Sex offender registry records sites are public record, and do not...
  2. J

    What are my rights?

    I've never heard of any recalls on bicycles for defectively manufactured equipment, and I if you were able to sue the bike manufacturer on this merit, you'd probably be the first setting a Precedent case. Furthurmore, Walmart, as well as most, if not all bicycle dealers, have store employees...
  3. J

    Being Sued for Injury of Another Driver

    As you've described the accident, according to Massachusetts Law, of which is where I'm from, the accident would not have been determined to be your fault. According to our laws, a rear-end collision is always the person who hits the other person's rear bumper, as you are supposed to be in...
  4. J

    ~injured in auto accident

    How much of an award you receive is directly proportional to the findings of medical records. If you had only X-rays done, for instance, of which are not an accurate way of determining the extent of neck and back injuries, then you weren't properly diagnosed, and this would disproportionately...
  5. J

    Lost wages compensation from PIP

    I have a question concerning lost wages compensation from my car insurance company's PIP (Personal Injury Protection), non-worker's comp. related. These lost wages are the result of a car accd't due to other vehicle driver's fault or negligence. The Ins. Co. mailed me a form asking my weely...