Recent content by inamess09

  1. I


    Hello, im from Missouri, recently I filed a motion to modify child support, I lost and the judge ordered me to pay more in child support, and also my ex-wifes attorney fees, and court costs which equals 2700 dollars. I have paid 2000 dollars of it, but im just absolutely strapped with cash right...
  2. I

    Consumer Law, Warranties Breech Of Contract

    Hello, I had a question about quit claim deeds. I was divorced in 2007 and signed a quit claim to my house to my wife. I found out later that I was still financially responsible. She is falling behind on payments and ruining my credit. It says in our divorce decree that she would maintain...
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    Please Help!!

    Hello, and thanks to all who have taken time to read this. I am in quite a mess. I cannot find any information on my situation and it seems to be new territory to all. I currently have 2 children i was paying child support for. I was paying 717 dollars a month. I was working 120 hours a week as...