Recent content by hauj0bb01

  1. H

    Common Law: Thirty (30) day notice to respond

    I'm actually just curious as to where I can find this legal information. I haven't actually been served or served someone else with such a notice. So I'm really just looking for legal documentation for a general statement. For instance: you receive a notice from an organization that claims...
  2. H

    Common Law: Thirty (30) day notice to respond

    North Carolina, and thanks for the quick response.
  3. H

    Common Law: Thirty (30) day notice to respond

    Hello, I've been searching for days now for the specific section in common law that requires the recipient of a notice/letter to respond and/or take action within 30 days of receiving the notice/letter. If anyone here has any idea of what title number and/or section I can find this bit of...