Recent content by genuwine4532

  1. G

    Criminal Law HELP--Felony, misdemeanor CMTs and Green Card Renewal

    Thank you Thank you for the reply, I will do that, I was just reading the DHS immigration laws on their website and there are suspension/cancellation of deportation clauses for citizens of the former USSR, apparently because the country no longer exists. Thank you again
  2. G

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Simple Possession---PC 1000 arrest warrant

    I was arrested in 2005 for a simple possession of cocaine in Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County in California, it was my first felony drug arrest and my one and only arrest in San Bernardino County. I plead out to receive PC 1000 diversion and probation, however I did not ever start the...
  3. G

    Criminal Law HELP--Felony, misdemeanor CMTs and Green Card Renewal

    It was actually prostitution not solicitation charges..sorry
  4. G

    Criminal Law HELP--Felony, misdemeanor CMTs and Green Card Renewal

    Hello, I am a permananet resident since 1975 from the former USSR. I came here at 9 years old with the old "no expiration" green card. Since then I have had misdeamenors arrests and convictions which I believe are CMT's. The offenses are as follows: 1. Misdemeanor Lying to a Police...