Recent content by gene419

  1. G

    Premises Liability contractor injured at my house

    Sorry.. I now realize the question to 'how did he.. ' was not answered. The injury occured when he cut his own hand with his utility knife while removing a small piece of siding. He received seven stitches, but it just happened yesterday, so there are no bills at this point.
  2. G

    Premises Liability contractor injured at my house

    - I'm not concerned over his worker's comp insurance.. I'm questioning any liability I might face.. - He sliced open the palm of his hand removing some J-channel in order to build a porch.
  3. G

    Premises Liability contractor injured at my house

    My jurisdiction is: Missouri, US A contractor cut his hand open, requiring stitches, while doing a project for me at my home. Regardless of his insurance situation, can I be held responsible for hospital bills ?