Recent content by gelady

  1. G

    parental authority being underminedREALLY NEED HELP FAST)

    Parental authority being undermined I read in the family law section that a child can only be emancipated if they can show the court that they can support themselves financially, live on their own, Have the consent of the parents, if under 18 years of age show that they are obtaing an...
  2. G

    Help!!! My daughter had runaway...she is claiming emancipation!

    Help!! My daughter had runaway Wendy, I went through this in the late 80's with my then; 12 year old daughter. My child was stealing, running away, fighting, lying and having sex. I was very fraustrated at the sytem when I tried over and over to receive help. I worked as a Juvenile...
  3. G

    Giving up Parental rights as Custodial Parent

    14 year old daughter has been in foster care for one year, after asking for help with her raunning away from home. She has decided that she does not want to come back home becuase she gets all of these materialistics things that she want; that I cannot provide. It has been relayed to me that it...