Recent content by franc

  1. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get any worse?

    jacksgal: i placed same exact message, which was very detailed; i believe same title also; state is NEW YORK ... i will be pleading NOT guilty ... my understanding from replies at this site is that i should not pay civil resitition unless i plead guilty or i am convicted of charges ... is that...
  2. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get any worse?

    jacksgal: what is the statue of limitations on a civil restitution demand? (went to website you suggested; so far only response received was vaguely related to subject and not helpful).
  3. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get any worse?

    to Army Judge: Words cannot express how grateful I am for your educated opinion … I know I must not rely on it as gospel, however, I’m hopeful that at least I can put this nightmare on a shelf until I have to face the music, and not allow it to occupy my every waking moment … the worst...
  4. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get any worse?

    This is shocking. I had not idea. One in eleven is utterly astounding.
  5. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get any worse?

    From your mouth to God’s ear … thank you so very much for putting this horrible experience into perspective … my only wish is that some of what you said will come to pass … I know that I have learned my lesson and I will never so much as pick up a jelly bean that I have not paid for … I believe...
  6. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get worse?

    New York , I’m an adult and should know better, but I messed up big time. I’ve been shoplifting at a local retail store on a regular basis, last week I was caught. First offense. I am sick to my stomach from the moment I wake until I fall asleep. Yes, most probably because I was caught, however...
  7. F

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft can shoplifting charges get any worse?

    New York , I’m an adult and should know better, but I messed up big time. I’ve been shoplifting at a local retail store on a regular basis, last week I was caught. First offense. I am sick to my stomach from the moment I wake until I fall asleep. Yes, most probably because I was caught...