Recent content by Exilict

  1. E

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft caught shoplifting (NEED HELP FAST)

    33$??? Here in PA you will get a 60 day continuance as a "Trial Period" if you stay out of trouble for thoes 60 days you will get a $100 fine and Restitution... And I have never had the judge deny anyones request to get it ARD'd -X
  2. E

    Violant Shopplifter Apprehension - Questions about what I can do

    I work Loss Prevention for Wal-Mart, and on December 22nd while making a Apprehension I was hurt. The person I was trying to stop flung me onto the ground and then tripped and fell ontop of me. I have a badly scraped knee and both of my ring fingers are broken. The subject was brought into...