Recent content by dbugs_db

  1. D

    unimploiment garnishment in NJ

    Can my unimployment check be garnished in NJ for an old credit card debt? Also, how do you know if you have been served a summons? do you have to sine for it or somthing?
  2. D

    Help! can my unimployment ck be garnished

    Thanks... God i miss TX. big dif. from NJ
  3. D

    Help! can my unimployment ck be garnished

    A collection agency sent me a summons last week saying they are taking me to court for $4000 i have owed this for years. they also added there own fees, so now it's over $5000. I have not made a payment in years on this. it,s from a HSBC card i had about 6 years ago. i made a payment of $500...