Recent content by davedave

  1. D

    Consumer Law, Warranties HELP! Internet Fraud? What should I do!

    I signed up with a hosting company and had a parent use a credit card for me. I put my name down for the shipping address. I am a minor. Did my parent agree to a contract in my name? If not have I committed interntet fraud? What should I do! Can I get out of the contract I signed without risking...
  2. D

    -Reseller Rights- what I can I and can't I do...

    Hola! I purchased a DIGITAL package (templates, software, scripts, logos, etc.) that had "Reseller Rights" in it and am wondering several things: 1. What can't I do with this package 2. Where should I go to find our more free information on laws that I must follow for selling and using the...