Recent content by cwebb01sbcglob

  1. C

    Bank Accounts

    SeniorJudge, your response is very unclear. Please clarify this stmt "Show this in your lawsuit as marital assets which you have already split.
  2. C

    Bank Accounts

    I am separated (not legally), which can be proven by a signed lease proving one spouse is paying rent to live elsewhere. We split our money in our joint account and each opened our own bank accounts. Is this money, as of the separation date not considered when divorced as marital assets to be split?
  3. C

    Buying a home while separated

    I am newly separated & am renting while my spouse lives in our home which is paid for. We also own a vacation home that he is making the payments on as of the date I left (2 payments so far). I am considering purchasing a new home rather than throw away money renting and want to know the best...