Recent content by comu3

  1. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Do I have the Right?

    The charge Is mentioned in the first post on this thread. Federal law is not the issue here, I spoke with a lawyer with the ATF about the Federal laws. Let me summarize the whole thing. I had guilt withheld on a felony drug charge(attempted purchase of cocaine). I was given a suspended...
  2. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Do I have the Right?

    I do have the right Well, I contacted the FDLE once again. They told me that It depends on how Ga law interpratates my FL case. I called a lawyer in Ga and he advised me that I am legal to own and purchase firearms. I was advised to write a letter to the DA's office asking them the same...
  3. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Do I have the Right?

    I did a liitle digging, FDLE told me that they have no actual hold on my record. When a Firearms dealer from Fl calls them, they lookup a record and if adjudication of guilt is witheld, then they add three years mentaly. So I spoke to a few judges in GA, they did'nt know right of hand. I guess i...
  4. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Do I have the Right?

    Well sir, the FDOC has termitatd my probation. I am not reporting to anyone anywhere in the DOC. The DOC has no interest in me what soever. This cooldown period that I mentioned , can be found in Fl Statute somewhere in statute 790. IT is a mandatory waiting period for all those who had...
  5. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Do I have the Right?

    Correction Perhaps I was not clear enough for you in my post. I have no pending sentence. I have completed probation. The three year period that I am refering to ( a differal period, also known as a cooldown period) is for the purchase of firearms only, and a statute implied by the FDLE...
  6. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Do I have the Right?

    Hello all, In 2004 I was charged with attempted purchase of cocain in FL. A felony charge, my first offense , and adjudication of guilt was witheld. Upon succesfully completing my probation with no VOPs, I was told by the FDOC to contact the FDLE concerning my gun rigths, also telling me that...
  7. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms I want my gun rights back!!! please help!!!

    A good place to start I, have personaly dealt with similar problems in another state, To obtain the specific authority to own or posses a firearm you will have to get that permission from the Arkansas Board of Executive Clemency. The same way you got your conditional Pardon. Contacting them...
  8. C

    Weapons, Guns, Firearms Facing 5 years because of error in record, Georgia Indictment

    Look for the best John, If I understand your statement correctly, that you had a VOP, that was reversed or otherwise dismissed with no further action. And no penalties were incured by you on behalf of this VOP. And also that you are legal to purchase firearms in florida per the FDLE and the...