Recent content by Carm382

  1. C

    DID NOT SIGN THE LEASE! Being sued

    Do you happen to know where I would be able to read a written law that says that? I know they won't find another roommate, so this means I will be held responsible for the 6 months I didn't live there simply due to my name being on the lease, is that correct? Another thing, they apparently...
  2. C

    DID NOT SIGN THE LEASE! Being sued

    Okay...? Thank you very much for the rapid response! Theoretically, however, how would my name that is not a signature nor in my handwriting be legal? Doesn't that mean that she could have written "Brad Pitt" on the lease and then try to get money out of him? I guess I just don't see how...
  3. C

    DID NOT SIGN THE LEASE! Being sued

    Here's the low down: I'm a 24-year-old college student who lives in SC and was moving to TN to go to school. 2 friends (who are twin sisters) lived there already and offered for us all to get a house together. I still lived in SC at the time the lease was signed so my NAME is on the lease...