Recent content by b0urn3

  1. B

    Need a lawter that specializes in Cyber Law

    uses your email address? sounds like they probably have your password as well. Why didn't you change your password as soon as you noticed it had been compromised? have you changed all your other usernames/passwords? Who is this lawyer supposed to sue if you don't know who it was that...
  2. B

    Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass Humane Society thinks they are above the law.

    I think we need some more details, such as who came onto your property and whether or not your animals were visible from the street. Seems to me that your fist priority should be protecting your own interests before jumping up to sue someone for disobeying your "no trespassing" sign.
  3. B

    Email Harrassment @ Work & Home

    well, crap. apparently it's not something I can fix. send me an email at jur1s7 [ a t ] gmail [d o t] com
  4. B

    Email Harrassment @ Work & Home

    sorry about that....didn't realize i had that on...fixed in 20 seconds
  5. B


    before deciding to sue someone, you must first find that person. I may be able to help you do that if you give me some more information via a PM.
  6. B

    Email Harrassment @ Work & Home

    i can only imagine the volume of messages received by as well as comcast. PM me the ip and some additional info and I might be able to help out a bit.
  7. B

    Forum slander,harrassment

    if you can come up with their IP address from the forum moderator you can trace it back to their ISP. You could then inform their ISP administrator of their subscriber's abuse. PM me if you'd like some more help
  8. B

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant illegal search - consent, probable cause, miranda rights

    You can't be serious I just stumbled upon this thread while looking for a case citation to use in explaining the whole Utah Rave incident on another forum and couldn't help but not only register, but comment on such a fine post. First, although I am new here I understand that people with...