Recent content by archipelago

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    Patriot Act

    I suppose that means that you have signed off then? Unclear as to your motives, but that I suppose is none of my business. I do not wish to challenge the constitutionality of the Patriot Act by retaining an attorney. That would be an absurd waste of time and energy. But does it follow that...
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    Patriot Act

    I'm not sure I follow. There is no case. This is a hypothetical before I decide to do anything in order to find out from those who are knowledgeable in areas of the law what the implications are of not doing something. The informed consent documents are private and protected by...
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    Patriot Act

    According to the codes that govern psychotherapists in the state of California, we must provide in our "informed consent" documents--the ones that initiate other ethical and legal matters, such as the notion of who has the "privilege" and when confidentiality can be breached--we must now place a...
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    U.S. Patients' Bill of Rights

    Thanks again. I am a bit confused though. If I reported this situation to an oversight committee of some kind, wouldn't they take it on as a legal case? Laws it seems to me were broken. I'm not interested in a civil suit, for the reasons I mentioned. So wouldn't that mean that I pay nothing...
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    U.S. Patients' Bill of Rights

    _______________________________________________ Thanks for your reply. Yes, the situation is confusing in the sense of what on Earth was actually happening, and I haven't even given all the actual details, though they are all documented to the best of my ability. [I am intelligent and have the...
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    U.S. Patients' Bill of Rights

    State: California A long story, too much to go into, but I'll start with the basic question: according to the Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (1998), a recent hospitalization left me with treatment that violated 5/8 of the listed principles: 1. Information Disclosure 4...
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    In the face of terror

    Carl, I know you are trying to set me straight, but I have to point out the basic fact that you have now spent way, way more time detailing what is wrong with the way I am approaching the matter than on anything substantive regarding the case. There is something ironic about that, don't you...
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    In the face of terror

    Well, I appreciate your time. I did not know, of course, that you set a 5 minute limit on your considerations. I don't really understand, but that is okay because I don't have to to get the message. Loud and clear. Just walk in my shoes for one or two seconds, if you will. Can't you sense...
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    In the face of terror

    Sorry that you backed down from the challenge since you appear to be willing to go places with things. And because I have to receive anything close to an answer, no to complain, just saying the truth. I listed several specific cases in a post above, but perhaps it was not clear enough. I...
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    In the face of terror

    Thanks for your repsonse, Carl. I know, and posted as much, that we can only make guesses, but I would like to make an "educated" guess, for various reasons that I need not go into. So my original set of posts asked what sorts of laws would be involved? Like give me an example, something to...
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    In the face of terror

    Can you take a moment to elaborate a little bit? What are the "sufficient possible charges" that might be used? I really would like to have at least somewhere to turn to look it up if you don't mind.
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    In the face of terror

    While you might me correct in suggesting that more recent laws will probalby be more likely, I still with to know if status of the pahmplets. The names I associate tihese issues, are Brandonburg nd Brandts When I bget a shceI will post some link but here is an exceprt from an articl (tithle...
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    In the face of terror

    Thank you for your response. It is sad, isn't it? The whole is sad from top to bottom. How could it not be, to anyone, even to animal rights groups, involved or not, because so-called "innocents" were harmed in the name of ideology. How is that defensible? or even strategic? Unless one is...
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    In the face of terror

    Welcome to America, Hometown, USA! Aim: Though the title line may seem very broad and dramatic, the question concerns a very specific case, with the aim in mind to find out 1) whether or not a particular expression in and of itself constitutes a crime and 2) if not or unclear, whether a case...