Recent content by AnnoyedGuy

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    Does SOL apply to property taxes in CT?

    I have almost the exact same issue with New Milford, CT (a 12 year old debt that I didn't know existed until this month). There is another longer thread on this subject: We need to all get together and share what is going on and any...
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    National Recovery Group (George Dodd)

    Another thread on the same subject... I have almost the exact same issue with New Milford (a 12 year old debt that I didn't know existed until this month). There is another longer thread on this subject: We need to all get together and...
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    Is there a Statute of Limitations for Connection for Personal Property Back Taxes Due

    Rediculous! This will be somewhat of a repeat of what others have already said, but I just got a letter from American National Recovery too. Again, New Milford, CT is the town, and again an automobile property tax bill. Apparently the debt is from a 1996 auto property tax bill for less than...