Recent content by angrymom51

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    can stepmother interfere with medical treatment of stepson?

    thanks for your help. If Dad was taking more of an interest we would be able to have this discussion between him and me. Yes MTX has its own issues. But not HSTCL.
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    can stepmother interfere with medical treatment of stepson?

    MSA states that biodad and I need to agree on non urgent medical treatment for son. If we don't agree,a mediator is suggested. There is nothing about a stepparent in my MSA. Treatment is old (6MP) which has a risk of fatal HSTCL in 1/3500 boys under the age of 21. New treatment is methotrexate...
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    can stepmother interfere with medical treatment of stepson?

    yes, I am biomom.Meant Stepmom. Am checking with family law attorney to see what she thinks. There is no local Peds GI. nearest are 2 hours away that happen to have bi-monthly clinic 45 minutes away. Prosperpina.. why do you say I have made Dad's case for him? Current treatment has risk of...
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    can stepmother interfere with medical treatment of stepson?

    Am hoping that biodad and step mom will consider that the cost of going to court is not worth it. They like the local doc, as do I, but her treatment plan puts my son at risk. A small risk, but a risk nonetheless.As Dad is not talking to me at all, it is difficult to communicate with him. He and...
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    can stepmother interfere with medical treatment of stepson?

    16.5 year old son has been diagnosed with Crohns Disease. Stepmother (not biodad) has decided she is the expert on this despite no education in the medical profession. I work in the medical field and have taken son (without stepmom or biodad--- they chose not to come) for consultations at two...