Criminal Law

Criminal law constitutes law and regulation that relates to crime or the general safety and welfare of the people (as opposed to “civil” law.) Criminal statutes prohibit harm and threats of violence against another person including acts that endanger the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Criminal procedure sets forth the process of investigation of a crime including arrest, search and seizure laws. Punishment is defined for those who are convicted of violating criminal law which may include fines, incarceration, probation as well as matters of permanent record keeping such as expungement of criminal records.


Michael Wechsler
3 min read
Three children whose mother was allegedly murdered by their father have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against a recreational marijuana edibles company, the store that sold the product and the defendant. In 2014, Richard Kirk allegedly purchased recreational marijuana candy from a local Denver...
Michael Wechsler
2 min read
While people convicted of a crime pay their debt to society, upon release their criminal record travels with them wherever they go. Since public databases and background checks are common and affordable, the repercussions of one minor mistake can become an eternal scarlet letter. One remedy to...
Michael Wechsler
2 min read
California lawmakers closed a rape law loophole and have now made it illegal to impersonate another person in order to have sex, whether or not the victim is married. California Governor, Jerry Brown, signed bill AB65 after an appellate court overturned a rape conviction because the impersonated...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
I read an article today about an allegedly guilt-riddled drunk driver who used social media to confess to a DUI crime that killed an innocent victim. The story and most of the comments lauded this man as a hero who came forward to declare his guilt, even though he could have easily avoided a...