DUI (driving under the influence>, DWI (driving while impaired or intoxicated) and BUI (boating under the influence all involve operating a motor vehicle while impaired due to the use of alcohol, drugs or other cause. Drunk driving is against the law in every state in two forms of criminal offenses: DUI and DWI. If the police suspect a person of operating a motor vehicle (car, motorcycle, truck or boat) while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they may stop the vehicle and request the driver submit to a “field sobriety test.” This tests the level of driver impairment and reaction time. They may also ask the driver to submit to a breathalyzer test or for a blood or urine sample in order to determine the driver’s blood alcohol level (“BAC”) with a greater degree of accuracy. The punishment for a DUI or DWI varies between states, including the BAC levels which trigger harsher penalties.


Michael Wechsler
4 min read
This article will help you understand what you might face in the event you are convicted of a DUI or DWI driving offense and what you may have to do in order to get your driver's license back. In addition to covering habitual violators laws, driver's assessment tests and vehicle forfeiture, it...