Removing minor's counsel and filing complaint to state bar?

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Hi there

We're dealing with a case where the minor's counsel assigned to the child in the custody case is biasing the court against one of the parents. She has made verifiably false statements and even altered an official court form to try and protect herself. We're attempting to get her removed from the case, but this is a very small town. The judge that appointed her in the first place has a long history with her and is not exactly unbiased themselves.

Does anyone have experience dealing with getting minor's counsels in CA removed from cases and/or filing complaints with the state bar? Are either of these viable routes to deal with the situation?

We've made a video fully detailing minor counsel's misconduct, but don't want to risk breaking a rule by posting links to outside websites. If you'd like more details I can expand here or provide the link if that is within the rules.
We're dealing with a case where the minor's counsel assigned to the child in the custody case is biasing the court against one of the parents.

Let's start with an explanation of who "we" are. Are you one of the child's parents?

Please also explain what you mean when you say this attorney "is biasing the court." The job of a minor's counsel is to advocate for the best interests of the child. That does not require that the attorney be neutral regarding the parents.

She has made verifiably false statements and even altered an official court form to try and protect herself.

Without any specifics, these are meaningless allegations.

Does anyone have experience dealing with getting minor's counsels in CA removed from cases and/or filing complaints with the state bar? Are either of these viable routes to deal with the situation?

Sure. Lots of people have such experience. If the aggrieved parent wants to have the minor's counsel replaced, he/she is free to file a motion. Obviously, since you provided no factual information, we have no way of knowing if such a motion would have any likelihood of being granted. The parent is also free to complain to the State Bar, but even if the Bar found merit in the complaint, that's not going to get the lawyer removed as minor's counsel.

As for your video, I doubt anyone will watch it. The aggrieved parent needs an attorney if he/she doesn't already have one.
All minor's counsel should have all their cases reviewed and the child they are representing should be allowed to provide a survey regarding how they are treated. There is an old lady in Alameda country who lacks empathy or any concern for the young client, is very abusive in verbal conduct. This woman seems like she may have early stages of dementia or maybe even a drinking problem because most of the time, she rambles and rambles going on tangents. She has been able to get away with her ridicules behavior because the Judge seems to do want she wants, because he has a history of misconduct himself. This woman is breaking all rules and law and something needs to be done to help save children from such unscrupulous lawyers. Minor's counsel is JUST a lawyer for kids, some can't even get a job without a kid being forced to have them on a case by the court to make money off of them. The kid doesn't even have a choice if they don't like this lawyer and these corrupt lawyers take advantage until 18 so they can make money off the cases. At least an adult can fire their attorney without having to jump through hoops! The Bar Association should become aware and investigate these monsters and must do something to protect kids from such predators.

Can you please share the link for your story?
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