Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What will happen to me.?

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New Member
I was caught shoplifting at a store in the mall on Thursday night. I took 104 dollars worth of stuff, which is a Class B Misdemeanor. The store called the cops and I was taken to the police department. They booked me into their system and took a picture of me and took my fingerprints. It was my first time shoplifting and I am 15. Can they take me to jail.? Will I have to pay fines.? How will this effect my future employment and education.?
Your life isnt over so relax. Will you go to jail? Very slim chance unless your in VA. Your record she be your biggest concern. Get your Attorney to check to see if Diversion is availalbe for you. This should protect your record. Oh and dont steal no more ;)
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