water damage

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New Member
The incident: I busted a pipe cleaning underneath my sink one day. There was a basket that was placed underneath the pipe and as I was removing it forward, the handle snagged the pipe, (causing it to vibrate like the spring on a door) and began to leak. I am 24 yrs old, I have no desire to want to play with or destry a pipe. Who would?

So this is not your ordinary state of the art pipe. It was pretty flimsy, bendable, and flexible. I called maintenance to come stop the leak, but it took them over an hour to tend to my catastrophe. By the time someone came, my whole entire bedroom was flooded and even began to seep through into the living room. They had to turn off the water supply in order to stop the leaking/flooding.

The repercussion: Now I find out my apartment is not going to give me my deposit back because of all the damages, maintenance & labor. However they did not change my carpet & during the time it took for the maintence guys to finish my floor it took a whole weeks time. During that week, i was still living in my apartment w/ the wet carpet and drying fans. Are they allowed to do this to me?
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Yes. They addressed the issue of the damage that you did by causing the leak.

Couple of years ago I had a downstairs toilet overflow and soak my carpet in my foyer. Repairs meant the carpet had to be pulled up from the corners, fans brought in to dry them out (and running for several days) and then the carpets retacked. I didn't get new carpets.

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