Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Virginia underage possession of alcohol

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we were driving along route 1 and a cop pulled us over. We are all under 21 and college students coming home from a party. The driver was completely sober. The cop asked the person in the front seat to step out of the car and then he saw a bottle liquor and a 12 pack of corona. The cop then proceeded to breathalize the student who blew .08. He then took us out one by one (there were 4 of us that had been drinking) and breathalyzed each one of us. The other students blew a .09 and .11 and I blew a .078. When i asked the cop if I had to take a breathlyzer the sherriff screamed at me, "DO YOU WANT TO GO TO JAIL?, DO YOU WANT TO GO TO JAIL?" So after being yelled at I took the breathalyzer and blew a .078. When I asked the cop why we were pulled over he told me to ask the sherriff who was writing up my citation. When I asked the sherriff why we got pulled over the cop told me to get back in the car. There was also a 12 pack of natural light in the back seat but again the driver appeared to be so sober that the cop didn't even breathlyze her! He told us that it was admirable of us to get a designated driver but irresponsible for us to drink. Are we just all banking on getting a lenient judge or is there anything else we can do? I know the laws in virginia are SO strict so should we get a lawyer?
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