Corporate Law Valuation of Interest

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New Member
I am in the process of forming a partnership with a chiropractor. The purpose of our partnership is to jointly own and operate a chiropractic practice. He will treat patients and I will handle the business/marketing/office aspect. My investment (monetary) is considerably higher than his. He is investing less than $10,000 and I am investing at least $50,000. Basically, all start-up costs, equipment, etc...are to be funded by capital that I am investing in the business. Although, I am investing most of the start-up monies, I only share 49% of the profits. My question then, is can someone explain to me the valuation of interest and how it applies in this case. How is the interest calculated and what would be the most appropriate terms if the partnership were to dissolve if one partner wanted to back out. Basically my concern here is that I am making a considerable investment, taking a huge risk, and I don't want to end up getting screwed if he should back out after 1 year of a 3 year contract. I'm trying to understand the valuation process and how it applies in a dissolution of partnership. Thank you.
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