Unsafe Lane change / suspended license

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New Member
In expectation of help from all the wisemen here, I'd want to explain the Unsafe Lane change ticket I have been given today and my history of previous tickets.I was charged of unsafe lane change with the officer claiming that I moved from left to right while a car was right beside me.Well from my perspective I had just turned left from a local street into a main road and since there was an immediate signal, waited at the left lane next to the left only lane(There were no cars nearby whatsoever when I made the turn).As I saw green (& since I wanted to move to the right lane to make a right turn in sometime), I looked at my rear mirror, looked right to check my blind spot and started moving right as I crossed the lights and all of a sudden see this cop behind me with lights flashing.Until he told me I had no idea of any car beside me.Probably a car was racing into the right lane after I looked to my sides, I DONT KNOW! Is there anyway I can beat this? I was just done paying some ridiculous fines for a recent parking citation, speeding ticket & scheduled for a Defensive Driving Test for another moving violation months back.My license was actually in suspension when I was booked for lane change but the cop didn't mention anything about it.Is there any hope? :)
Probably not. Which would be why you last post on this topic received no replies. Sorry I can say nothing to help you.
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