Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Unlawful search?

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New Member
First thing first... I admit I was wrong! I stopped at a grocery store to look for a small band aid. I looked through several boxes and really couldn't find what I was looking for. I decided to "try" (yes I know) some of the band aids in a mixed box. I figured if I liked them I would return and purchase the rest.

My complaint comes from the way it was handled. I was leaving the store, when a intimidating man came running after me from behind. He stopped me and asked me to return to the store. I asked why and he said because I stolen a band aid. I agreed but asked to see his identification. He showed me his "badge" but refused to tell me who he was our show me any further identification even after my several requests. He forced me upstairs into a closed office where he searched my person, cuffed me, then forced me to sit down in a very uncomfortable chair. I asked several times to stand or to have the cuffs adjusted to which he refused until he was done doing what he needed to do.

On top of all this, my finacee who was waiting for me was continually calling, but the man who detained me refused to let me make a call or text message.

After an hour I was subsequently released and advised not to return to the store, which I will gladly take my business elsewhere. My questions is if I have a valid complaint or should I just be glad that it did not escalate any further? Again, I admit that I should not have taken a band aid, but I do not agree with the treatment I received.
Every action you desribe was lawful. Be prepared for a letter of Civil Demand in mail soon as well. Depending on dollar value of theft it can be anywhere from $50.00 to $500.00
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