Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Underage Drinking, Violation of rights?

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New Member
Just the other day me and my buddy were in my dorm room watching the basketball games and each had a couple of beers. Then we got a random knock and it was the university police. Without my permission, the cop came in my room and started asking questions. He asked me to open the fridge and I did and there was 15 beers in there. So the cops took the pictures of the beer and gave us breathalyzers and cited us for underage drinking. Now I found out that the call was for a different room and that they had no reason to come to mine because we were not being loud at all. So I am wondering if they had the right to come in my room in the first place, and do I have a chance to win if I fight it? Also what should I plea?

Another thing, I got an underage when I was 17 and I am 19 now so will this count as my first offense?

Thanks for your help.
More than likely you consented to the police entering without realizing it. You also opened the refrigerator voluntarily... you were not searched. You were not required to submit to the breathalyzer either. You pretty much shot yourself in the foot.
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