Unauthorized purchase on check card

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New Member
Hi everyone,

I recently found out that someone used my check card information and made an unauthorized $3000.00 purchase on custom furniture on the other side of the country (I live in California and the purchase was made in Virginia).

I check my account once a month and noticed that this occurred about 3 weeks ago. Upon finding this out, I went to my credit union (where my checking account is) and notified them of the situation. They told me that they could not refund any of the money since it could have been someone I knew that used my card. With the name of the furniture company and their phone number, I attempted to call them. To my amazement, the phone number for the furniture store was disconnected.

What can I do to get my money back? I feel like it is unfair that the credit union will not return any portion of the money on a purchase I absolutely did not make? What steps should I take, if any, from here on out? Thanks in advance.
i'm not 100%on this, but if the "check card" has a mastercard/visa/etc logo, you may be able to dispute the charges under the FCBA.
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