unauthorized account charge

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New Member
In 2005 my now ex-husband and I filed for bankrupsey on a cell phone company as well as other companys prior to our divorce in 2005. Once I had filed bankrupsey on this account I called up customer service and verified that the account was closed. Then I gave the phone to a friend to have turned in to his name (he still has the phone and under his name and number). I later went for a loan months down the road and was denied to to a colletion account so I pulled my credit report and found a new account that had been opened on September 20th 2005 with this old cell phone company. They had charged off the account in the amount of $622.80 ($302.94 past due ballance, $116.98 Bankrupsey charge, and $175 early cancelation fee). The account number was different then the account number I had filed bankrupsey on. I called up the company and asked them how I owe them. They stated that the company service is concidered a utility and that they can open a new account for someone without knowage or authorization after a bankruspey because of that and that it was a conveiniance for me. I told them I didn't want the account, never wanted it, didn't know about it and will not pay the fees. The woman argued with me so I hung up. I then sent letters to the company asking for documentation show how I owe this amount they did not respond. Finaly I wrote the attorney Generals office and they wrote the cell phone company for me. The cell phone company responded stating that the charges were mine. I called up the attorney gernerals office let them know and they told me I might want to seek legal assistance as they are just a mediator. I then called up legal aid and they told me I make to much money. I hate paying to have something fixed that isn't my fault and I refuse to pay the cell phone company because it is wrong.
The most frustrating part is that I am trying to get a home loan and can't due to this being on my credit report as a "charge off". Is there anything anyone can tell me that may help me. A law of some sort I can spill back to the cell phone company in hopes they will clear it off my records?
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