Consumer Law, Warranties U-Haul Auctioned or Sold $15,000 of possessions for $750

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New Member
I have a serious problem with U-haul. I don't dispute the fact that I owed them $750 in back rent, but did they have to sell all of my practically new possessions, valued at $15,000 to get the $750. By the time I found out that I was behind in my payments, because the payments were coming out automatically from my checking account, the auction was already scheduled and when I offered to pay a part of what I owed now and the rest in 2 weeks, when I got paid again, they told me they did not accept partial payments. Then they called me, 1 hour before the auction was to start and said I could do a settlement, but I did not have enough to do the settlement in 1 hour. I told them if they had informed me of the settlement earlier in the week, I could have gathered enough money for that, by now. They auctioned off my life's belongings, including important legal papers, jewelry, lots of furniture, some of which was brand new. I don't think I should have lost all that, for $750. :no:Do I have a valid case?
No case at all. They had every right to sell your things. If you didn't find out it's because you didn't have a valid address with them or you didn't open your certified mail. Sorry.
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