Traffic ticket warrant

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New Member
My friend was recently issued a warrant for failure to pay for a year old traffic ticket he forgot to pay (city of Houston). He was informed of the warrant, he paid bond, went to court, and received community service and probation along with a few other fines (such as court fines and probation officer fines.) He got it taken care of. I seceretly looked at his probation card he has to carry around with him (in case he gets pulled over he has to show it) and the offense on it says theft! Would being convicted of failure to pay a ticket be listed as theft or is he lying to me? Does it matter what the court lists on that card? I can't confront him, he would freak out if he knew I snooped through his wallet. I guess my major question is...Is failure to pay for a ticket and being issued a warrant for it considered theft?
Originally posted by senior
My friend was recently issued a warrant for failure to pay for a year old traffic ticket he forgot to pay (city of Houston). He was informed of the warrant, he paid bond, went to court, and received community service and probation along with a few other fines (such as court fines and probation officer fines.) He got it taken care of. I seceretly looked at his probation card he has to carry around with him (in case he gets pulled over he has to show it) and the offense on it says theft! Would being convicted of failure to pay a ticket be listed as theft or is he lying to me? Does it matter what the court lists on that card? I can't confront him, he would freak out if he knew I snooped through his wallet. I guess my major question is...Is failure to pay for a ticket and being issued a warrant for it considered theft?
I think this question was already answered... it would seem to me that perhaps you are not getting the whole truth! Theft is a crime that is specifically defined and it is not a failure to make a payment.
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