traffic ticket question- the 48hr thing

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Recently (saturday 12:40pm) received a nasty traffic in Washington state.. officer claimed I was doing 83 in a 70, in my little suzuki going uphill :eek:

anyways my question is regarding the 48hr filing procedure. I read somewhere that the ticket must be filed at the court within 48 hours or else you can get the ticket dismissed if you contest. Does anyone have any information on this? I cant find the particular law I was reading anymore that described it, if somebody could point me in the right direction regarding the 48hr rule I would greatly appreciate it.

answered my own question

If the filing date is more than two business days after the issuance of the ticket, then IRLJ Rule 2.2(d) applies, which says:

When a notice of infraction has been issued, the
notice shall be filed with a court having jurisdiction over the infraction
or with a violations bureau subject to such courts supervision. The notice
must be filed within 48 hours after issuance of the notice, excluding
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. A notice of infraction not filed within
the time limits of this section may be dismissed without prejudice.

just in case anyone had the same question
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