tickets in NC

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New Member
I just got a ticket doing 75 in 60 construction zone, it has been just over a year since my last ticket, I had a lawyer go to court for me, and got it reduced to 10 miles over, had another ticket a few months before that where I went to traffic school.

Been a long time since I have had a bad string of luck, before last year It had been several years since I had a ticket.

Looking for advice, I am going to talk to a lawyer, but not sure what my optoins are here, Prayer for judgement? My thought is that the officer was sitting on the right side of the road just a few hundred yards beyond where the speed limit droped from 70 to 60, I had my cruz control on, and had as usual just kicked off cruz control which was 75 as I got over the 60 speed limit, I could not even slow down to the 60/65, as the office was on my tail as I coasted down to 70, he was in both lanes behind me so I could not slow down further from him being so close.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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