Ticket Mistake

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New Member
I got a ticket back in july of last year in georgia for speeding, paided the fine and thought is was done. Well last week i recieved a letter from my home state of florida saying i had recivevd 6 points on my license and since i am 17 i am limited my driving privledges till i'm 18 to busniess use only. In the proccess of clearing all this up i found that i could of only recieved 6 points if i was speeding involved in an accident and it so happens that after contacting original district the police officer had check of in an accident can i use this some how to get the ticket made invalid?
can i use this some how to get the ticket made invalid

You have already plead guilty and the violation has been posted to your record. You will need the Georgia DMV to correct the record and then notify Florida. Good luck. I would probably start with the officer.
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