Consumer Fraud Ticket Assassin! Do You Trust Him?

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New Member
I apologize beforehand for placing this thread under Scams, but I wasn't sure where else to put it. I also apologize if other users here swear by the site's tips and tricks--i mean no disrespect!

anywho, this is a site i stumbled upon when i was doing some researching on how to fight my speeding ticket. Some of the advice he has on the site seem plausible and reasonable, like contesting your ticket through the mail and request a new trial if you lose trial by declaration. But then again, sites like these seem too good to be true, so I have my suspicions as well.

What do you guys think? Do you trust the advice given in this site, or would you write this off as a fraud?
Placing a post here like that isn't inappropriate. With regard to web sites, you can expect to trust to the level of what you paid - and even then you can't be sure you're not paying for someone else's regurgitated material that has been passed along hundreds of times. Some of those sites provide information that isn't altogether accurate and may not conform with the rules of your court in your jurisdiction. In many instances, the courts have seen these web sites and rules changed long ago - but that doesn't stop the web site owner from posting stale information in the hope of obtaining traffic.
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