Assault & Battery Teenager in fight on school property...leading to several court cases?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Kansas

My daughter initiated a fight at school with a fellow classmate, although she was in the wrong she has faced several problems from the other girl repeatedly through the legal system.

My daughter and the other girl have disliked each other for the last year or so. We live in a small town (approx. 5k) and often the groups of friends intermix. Their lockers were one on top of the other. I have always asked that my daughter turn the other cheek..but this day she had enough and made a bad choice. She walked to the classroom of the other girl and proceeded to hit her and had to be pulled off. Thankfully there was no serious damage, neither one of the girls had to be taken to the doctor.

My dauther was arressted at school and charges were pressed for disorderly conduct by the arresting officer and assault by the girl she hit. My daughter also served 6 days out of school suspension. When returning to school the other girl then proceeded to say that my daugter called her a name (therefore violating the restraint order that was placed and called the cops) she was then arrested a second time. Both intences were book and release.

We have a court date in December, but in the mean time the other girl and her friends are falsly accusing my dauther of other things, like damages to a car.

Doesn't the law protect everyone? Why can there be charges that are not investigated? The only witnesses there seem to be at any event are the girl she fought with and one of her friends. They are also in their own trouble with the law but seem to be treated as if they are innocent on any involvement.

We are getting a court appointed attorney because we cannot afford otherwise and am thinking of pulling my child out of school in her senior year to just get a GED as much as that pains me due to all of this mess. As with any case there seems to be more drama than true facts in my opinion and I need to know what my daughters rights are. I hope I have given enough information.
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