Suspended license California-Trying to get back

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The California DMV suspended my husband's license in March 2004 due to accident he was involved in in Sept 2003 and the other driver died. CHP reported that my husband was at fault due to : a) following to close based conditions, b) speeding based on conditions and c) failure to maintain vechile. Needless to say he was brought up on misdemeanor charge of vechicular manslaugher without gross neglience and give 3 yr probation and 29 days county jail. Vechile in question was a owned by the company he drove for which dropped him as soon as the CHP reported came out and our currently being sued by the other party due to not maintaining their vechile.

Anyways, the California DMV originally stated that the license would be suspended for 1 year. We asked for resconsideration through the proper channels of a DMV hearing and departmental reveiw. After all said and done, they now state they have no idea when they will reissue his license and they have nothing on their books to point to for their reasoning. Any idea how we can fight this or is it just a wait and see type of thing?
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