Summons quesion

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New Member
I am being sued for a medical debt. In addition to the amount of the debt, I am being charged interest and attorney fees which total $500. Does anyone know if I have to pay these charges or if I can just pay the debt before the court date?
In a similar situation

I ran up $16,000 for dialysis, which I was unable to pay, it went to a collection agency. They threatened to take me to court and place a lien on my house with a 10 % interest rate and associated legal fees. I offered to pay $9000, which they decided to accept. I got my fanny out of the frying pan this time but I'm sure that eventually I will end up in collections again. Rigth now I am considering transfering my house to my mother, who will tranfer it to my sister. As much as I hate doing that, I would hate even more knowing that when I die my gfriend would be asked to leave the house and it would be sold to pay my debts. Good luck with your situation
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