Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft store credit stolen... got caught

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New Member
today i was apprehended by the retail store i work for. they discovered that i had falsified returns to a sum of 1100.00. i signed a statement saying that id pay the money back to the store in full. they said i would be contacted with the charges. this is my very first offense and have no prior history. im getting a lawyer but would like to know if i can get this expunged from my record. and what other charges and ramifications i can expect.
This is far more serious than you think, with the dollar value alone your are probably looking at felony charges! YES find a Lawyer and seek legal advice. In mean time do not say another word about this issue to your employer or Police! Sign no more documents!! Getting a felony expunged takes nearly ten years if your unnamed state allows your unnamed charge to be expunged! Get proactive in your case so Judge will see remorse and action on your part and possible grant lighter sentence or even allow charge to be dropped to misdemeanor. Repay store ASAP and I would also suggest you enroll and complete the NASP course found on their website. It would also be helpful if you gave your state so we can look at felony theft levels to see if its possible you will be charged with a felony
the state is PA. and what was that email address of the director? i would greatly not like to go to jail. what else can i do to prevent it becoming a felony charge?
I cannot say if the NASP will or will not help reduce charge. I can only say it wont hurt and give an example of a case that it did help in.
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