Statute Of Limitations

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New Member
Where can i research the Statute of Limitations,and what exactly does it cover? What is the Statute of Limitations in Boston,Massachusetts,and what exactly does it cover,and how does it work? I would really appreciate any help!Thank you!
Simply put, a statute of limitations is a statute prescribing the time period during which legal action can be taken. This time period may vary from case to case, state to state, country to country, etc.
Thank you for the reply.Where do i go to study and research the various states Statute of Limitations?
Each state has it's own state code. Usually you need two things:

1) The type of controversy (e.g. is it contractual, personal injury, malpractice, etc.)

2) The state in which it occurred.

In New York State, this is contained within the CPLR - the Civil Practice Law and Rules.
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