Speeding ticket

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New Member
I live in North Carolina and received a speeding ticket last month for going 59 in a 45 zone. Last year, I received a similar ticket and just pled guilty/responsible and paid it. I'm a student (23) and still on my father's insurance. Should I go to court this time? I'm not sure what I'm even supposed to do there. A friend of mine offered to have his brother, a lawyer, go for me. Should I do that? This is really confusing and frustrating because I normally don't speed but seem to get caught when I do (that'll teach me). I just don't want my insurance to go up and cause any more problems for my father. But I don't know how to handle this. Any help would be appreciated.
Having the lawyer take care of it would be good, especially if it is free. He will probably do a PFJ. You really need to consider having your own car and insurance. If something bad happens you could put your family's financial future at risk. Another option would be for your father to purchase an umbrella policy which is usually inexpensive.
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