Speed Racing (ORS §811 125) with no one around?? I wish I was a girl.

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This started out with my passenger's girlfriend giving me directions while side by side with me. She would speed up, and I would speed up, overshoot, brake, and keep parallell while listening. (admittedly stupid) I see headlight approaching FAST and slow down while she continues to speed up. We were probably at most going 5mph over the limit. The fast mover is of course an officer who then flips his lights on. I pull over and he flashes his light at me and continues on after my passenger's girlfriend who is now a few blocks ahead of us. A little confused I stay put. After a few minutes I figure what the hell and continue on in the other direction after pulling backwards into a driveway, poorman's Uturn, (*hindsight* really stupid) the cop, who is about 3 blocks ahead talking with the other party flips around and pulls me over again. He comes up and asks for the basics. Takes the keys and puts them on the roof. The next thing he says to me after a long wait is that my car is being impounded, I am receiving a speed racing ticket and Im lucky I did not get reckless driving as well. Then promptly searches myself, passenger, and vehicle.
I have to objectively ask myself, did he think I was alluding? Was he looking for something?
I wasnt not going fast as their is no speed violation, only "Speed Racing." By the way the girl was let go with a warning, got pulled over AGAIN later that night.
To compound the problem I am moving out of state and my only option was to appear by affiddavit. I am a much better speaker then writer and am not sure how to "prove" their was no intent to race. I don't want to appear cocky but to think I engaged in, and lost, a street race with a old Honda CRX with 100 less HP hurts the ol' ego. Insult to injury the impound is closed the next 4 days and the $400 paid appears unrecoverable.
I want to know if I can/should use the fact that the other party was not cited in the same offense? Should I have her send in a witness affidavit explaining the situation as well? Is there anyway to recover my impound fee if found not guilty? Did my impromptu Uturn earn me the ticket? What is the best plan of defense since I am not able to appear in court. Date is for the 30th of Dec. Thanks for any help....
Speed racing is a mandatory court appearance. You have no choice but to appear or to retain an attorney. I don't think that you understand how much trouble that you are in.

If you do not appear then they will suspend your license and isssue a warrant for your arrest. That is good for a night/weekend in jail in all fifty states.
I do understand how serious this is... why else ask for help?.... It appears to be a class A, traffic offense. I really have two options, retain an attorney or appear by affidavit. I will be long gone across the country by Dec. 30. The ticket allows me to plead guilty and send in a fine (which I will not do) so it would appear to me that court is not mandatory.

This is in the State of Oregon, so if you are SURE it is mandatory let me know :eek:
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