Should I incorporate in Indiana. What's the financial benefits.

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New Member
I have a business selling new and used goods will I have investors if I incorporate?
This is just a thought for now, but I heard if I incorporate I will get investors to buy stock in my company.

If so what forums will I need to fill out, is there a time limit I have to be in business ect...
You won't just get investors if you incorporate, but it will certainly make it easier. How do you section off a part of a business for an investment? A corporation divides the assets into a definable pie, e.g. "100 units" - you own all 100 until you sell units to investors, who have an idea of what they own as a percentage of all that the company owns and it's business.

You can incorporate a business in Indiana by using the link - - and you've got all the forms and fees. Good luck!
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