Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting, TX

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New Member
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I just wanted some clarification. This same situation happened to me when I was 17, but the police were called to the store, and I was given a ticket by the officer. Does this mean that this Theft Class C is on my record, criminal record? I just paid the ticket. Will it show up on any background checks?
Without knowing the circumstances behind your case we cannot say. If I was to guess I would say yes its on your record. Check with court itself on dispostion of your case
I ordered a background check on myself with the dps and nothing showed up, no record was found. Is that of any significance? Few other things, I want to be a CPA. Will this affect my eligibility? I also want to purchase a gun. The form asks if I have done anything that a judge could send me to jail for 1 year or more, which is not a possibility with a class c misdemeanor, correct?
DPS? Not all background checks are created equal. As I said your best option is to find dispostion of case from court you went through
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