Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft shoplifting in ohio

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New Member
I already know it was wrong so let's not lecture me anymore... I tried to boost some pressed powder from the largest retail store in the world. The product cost less than $6. No idea why I decided to take it. Clearly I got caught or I wouldn't be on here. LP said I would get a letter in the mail or I could call the number they gave me and would have to pay a fine or be charged.I was very much compliant and pleasant with them and they even thanked me for doing so. It's my first offence, I'm 19. What happens now?

Ps. I know I don't sound it but I'm very much repentant, I'm just trying to get some answers and see how much I owe!
Thanks! The guy said they may not even bother since it was such a small thing and they wouldn't want to waste time and effort and that it wouldn't go on my record or anything, is this true or should I definitely be expecting to pay money?
Its up to the law firm they submit the request to. Far as record goes you will have no criminal record unless criminal charges are filed. You may be in a retail theft database but that is only accessible to subscribers
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