Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Sealing a Criminal Mischief case

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Hello, Will you PLEASE help me with knowledge about sealing a Florida Criminal Mischief case? The original charge was burglary. Florida courts reduced the 1986 burglary charge to criminal mischief and I was placed on 18 months felony probation. I was 18 years old. The judge did withhold of adjudication.

A friend and I went to Florida and stayed at an apartment with a female and her boyfriend, whom we had recently met. She told us that her sister had lived there and recently moved out. We did paint a closet with finger paints (for some absurd reason). Upon arriving to the apartment on the third night, the front door was locked. My buddy then proceeded to go around back and check the back door. As soon as he tried to open the door, an officer said freeze. All of a sudden, approx. 5 police officers had us surrounded. We both served 88 days in the county jail and then released on probation.

Is this case eligible for sealing? If so, do I need legal representation? Can you give the approx. cost and how long it will take to seal the case?

Thank you for reading and take care!
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